Thursday, January 29, 2009

Cunning Jayne Cobb hat, revisted

It's been over two years (wow!) since my first Jayne Cobb hat (hereintoforeafter referred to as "The Cunning Hat"). Like any good book, movie, or TV show, this hat has offered me additional insights every time I've created a new one, read other people's patterns and thoughts, or re-watched the episode, and I've been wanting to update both my musings and the first pattern I wrote. I don't want to completely obliterate my initial reactions, though, so I'm "revisiting" the Cunning Hat with this new post, instead. This is still under construction, and I welcome comments!

* Cast on technique: I believe the cast-on is Twisted German, or Estonia, due to the small but distinctive bars that cross the bottoms of the knit stitches near the cast-on edge. In addition, I think the row was joined with the yarn-ball side needle to the right, then, after some ribbing, I think the needles got flipped inside out. At that point, the unintentional "short row" thus created would account for the shorter orange stripe in the front (discussed below), as well as the visible texture of the Twisted German edge, which looks different depending on whether you're looking at the the right or wrong side.

* Stitches per round: First, having counted the rows and columns of stitches from the middle of Jayne's forehead to the middle of the earflap (Why yes, I do have OCD and a widescreen HD TV, why do you ask?), I conclude there are approximately 50 stitches in each round. To check this, I counted the stitches in the ear flaps (12) and the stitches at the visible front of his head (12-14). Two ear flaps make 24 st, the front and back add another 24 to 28, bringing the total to 48 to 52. In order for a hat to be around 21" in circumference with 50 stitches, gauge would be about 2.5 st/in.

* Stitches per row: There are about 8 rows of orange above the ribbing, for the FRONT of the hat (this distinction is important). The size of the stitches indicates that the 1x1 ribbing is, at BEST, two rows tall, or one row of ribbing on top of a visible cast-on edge.

My face is 5" from eyebrows to chin (stay with me, I'm going somewhere with this, I promise), which, after extensive study (don't ask), I have concluded is about average. Making Jayne's face exactly 5" from eyebrows to chin via the magic of zoom, the "front" orange stripe is 2" tall. 10 rows in 2' gives us 5 rows per inch. However, the same view shows 6 stitches across in 2 inches, albeit a slightly stretched 6 stitches. This means either my estimate of 2.5 st/in is wrong, or my level of zoom is. I had believed the hat was just stretched, but various views, plus watching Jayne easily put the hat on, makes me think it's my zoom.

*Yarn weight: If any of my estimates are anywhere close to being accurate, 2.5 st/in and 5 rows/in puts the yarn squarely in the bulky category. My own attempts at using bulky yarn and US size 10 needles are still giving me a smaller gauge than I'd like, which means I may need to run out and buy bigger needles. This hat has also been sucessfully created by using 2 strands of worsted weight, which appears to give greater stitch definition than a single bulky strand.

* Orange stripe height: While the stripe in front may be slightly more than 2" high (the zoom being inaccurate as just proven,) the width of the orange stripe seems to increase over at least one earflap. In some shots, at least, the orange stripe is exactly about 11 rows tall over the ribbing, and the ribbing has increased to be at least 3 rows tall. I *think* the hat is even on one side, but has about 3 extra rows on the other and 3 rows ribbing in back.

Observations: The hat is symmetrical (ish), but it's been pointed out to me that the hat seems to occassionally be worn backwards. My previous thought that the ear flap points nearly always points forward, is not accurate... the right earflap yarn ends point forward, but the left points out or back, which would be the same if the hat were bckwards. Also, there is an observable decrease (where the color change occurs?) just below the first yellow row, just right of center in the orange stripe, and seems to be on both sides. In the top picture, you can kind of see there is little to no ribbing, but down a few pictures, there IS ribbing in front. Which may be the back! And the flaps are closer together in some pictures than others.

There do not seem to be any other signs of shaping: no jogs of color from orange to yellow, no other visible decreases, of any sort, anywhere on the hat body including the top, so any increases to row height must have been added after the orange left the needles. It is possible that the extra height is illusion caused by stretching, but it's a remarkably consistant illusion.

There being distinctly fewer rows of ribbing at the "front," Ma Cobb may have added a row or two of ribbing to the sides and back after finishing the tube portion of the hat, but I suspect she simply didn't mark her rows. If she cast on, hid the tail by knitting the two together, and just knitted a bunch of ribbing, she might not have realized where she started, and instead accidentally knit say, 2 and 3/4 rows of ribbing instead of 3, especially if the piece got flipped accidentally. This would acount for the extra ribbing on the sides and back that is not seen in the front. In addition, an accidentally flipped work-in-progress (easy to do in the beginning stages of a ribbed work for an inexperienced knitter...) would create a short row when the work was resumed and got knit in the opposite direction. (Go ahead, ask me how I know!) If she continued then to knit around, and still did not see where she started, she may have joined with yellow before the last round was complete, which would make the stripe slightly shorter on the incomplete side- the front.

* Top decrease: The hat does not lie smoothly on top of Jayne's head. There being many folds but no decreases on the top, Ma Cobb was probably not a decrease kind of gal. I believe she knit the entire hat as a tube, wove a strand through the open stitches at the top and pulled the whole thing closed. She then cunningly hid the closure with a pompom.

Ear flap width: The ear flaps are tricky to see, at best. They appear to be 12 stitches wide at the top, and they then curl inwards as stockinette does if you do not add garter edge. The bottoms are problematic. (The stitch count was done, for those interested, both directly, by extreme close ups and counting blobs, and re-checked by counting the ribbing above each flap.)

Ear flap length and shaping: After much studying and disregarding my favorite "no decreases for Ma Cobb" theory, I believe the flaps are knit for 4 inches, then decreased from 12 stitches to 1, maybe 3. The abrupt decreases then make that bottom triangle curl up. The remaining end is knotted together with two other strands (one of which might be the end where the color was picked up, but I'm not sure where the other one came from) three times, and all three are cut approximately 3 inches long.

Observation: Because the flaps are stockinette, the rolled edges give the illusion of curves. It appears as through she may have run the yarn through the bottom edge and gave a little pull to tighten the bottom and corners. Furthermore, she did not weave in the ends, but cunningly left the ends to dangle should the wearer wish to use the lengths to tie the flaps down under the chin.

All of these, ah, interpretations of a hat design lead me to conclude that this was Ma Cobb's first hat. Not only was it her first hat, but she designed it herself. I deduce this because, if she used a pattern, the pattern designer probably would not have incorporated the...choices...Ma Cobb made. The hat would have had even ribbing, at least in front and back as opposed to the sides, and would have had a garter stitch (knitting a few stitches every row, as previously described) edge to the ear flaps, but may or may not have had a gather and pompom. Therefore, it is my contention that Ma Cobb designed and knit her very first hat- to mail across the galaxy to her boy Jayne.

A mother's love, my friends. In addition, Jayne immediately put on and wore the hat-- as jarring as it may have been to his tough-guy image-- which speaks volumes about Jayne's own love for his Mama (even without the letter that tells us Jayne sends money home for his sick sister). I find their love heartbreakingly sweet.

In my first blog about this hat, I proposed a few questions which arose from these musings: Did the Joss intend such implications? Who did make the hat? Was the hat designed to exact specifications, created precisely to convey the emotional impact I have proposed? Or was the hat just found somewhere, to be snapped up by an excited costume designer with a squealed, "Oooh! Perfect!"?

It turns out, I wasn't the only one with these questions. Joss gave a great crafting interview here: I'd quote the relevant pieces, but I want to get all the credit they deserve for this awesome interview!

I will update this post with the exact pattern I'm using now, as I do it. I will be commenting on my choices later. (Needle size, cast on choice, number of cast on stitches, etc. There are reasons. Have some faith, people!) Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy the pictures!

Cunning Hat Pattern:


For the hat in the picture, I used single ply, bulky yarn in three colors. I have seen excellent results that used 2 strands of worsted, and that may be the better choice.

I humbly present the colors I used for orange, yellow, and rust respectively:

  • Lamb's Pride bulky, colorway "Orange You Glad"

  • Lamb's Pride bulky, colorway "Wild Mustard"

  • Mirasol Sulka, in the cunningly named shade, "208." (This is a single ply, bulky yarn, despite Ravelry's insistance that it's a 10-ply Aran.)

Circular size 10 US needles (No dpns required.)

Tapestry needle
Pompom maker or cardboard circles.

Gauge: 3.5 st/in; 4.5 rows/in.

(Note: Ideally, I would like to knit this over 54 st with size 10.5 or 11 circs, but I don't have the needles yet. Pattern may be updated later to reflect ideal hat.)

With orange, CO 60 with Twisted German. (For larger sizes, just add 4 stitches for approximately every inch larger than 21" you want it, totaling any multiple of 2.)

Join, with yarn on right needle, being careful not to twist. Place stitch marker. Replace stitch marker with scrap yarn or coil-less safety pin on the next round.

Round 1: K1, p1 around (60 st).
Round 2: (K1, p1) 22 times (44 st). Place 2nd stitch marker (replace later as with first marker). This is the new beginning of the row.

Flip the hat inside out and turn the needles around. You will now be knitting over what you just knit, instead of proceding to stitches you haven't ribbed a second time. This adds height to the sides of the hat without adding it to the front, which is designated as being the short distance between your stitch markers. I suspect Ma Cobb put the hat down to rest her hands, and when she picked it up, she didn't know where she left off.

Round 3-11: Knit around (60 st). (Height should be approximately 2 1/2" in front, and 3" on sides.)

Round 12: Join yellow yarn and k2tog for first st. Knit around (59 st).
Round 13- 37: Knit around (59 st).

Cut yarn 12" long, thread onto tapestry needle, and weave through all loops. Pull closed to form gather. On WS of hat, run yarn around the gather a few more times and fasten securely. Leave end hanging inside WS of hat; do not weave in.


Row 1:(RS) Pick up 15 stitches beginning with the stitches directly after your stitch marker. Join rust yarn, knit across. (15 st.) (For larger sizes, pick up 17 instead of 15 stitches, then 2 more for every 2 extra inches you've added. For example, if you're making a 22-23" hat, pick up 17. If you're making a 25" hat, pick up 19.)
Row 2: (WS) Knit across (15 st.)
Row 3: Knit across
Row 4: Purl across

Repeat rows 3 and 4 until flaps measure 5", then begin decrease rows:
Decrease row (RS): K1, ssk, knit to last 3, k2tog, k1.
Decrease row (WS): P1, p2tog, purl to last 3, p2tog, p1.

Repeat decrease rows until 3 st remain. Pull yarn through all three loops.
Add yarn to create three ends. I threaded a needle, stuck it in near the the existing end, left an end out, then wove the needle's yarn up and down the dreased edging, before pulling the yarn out next to the other two ends. Tie the thre ends together in a series of three knots.

Repeat ear flap for other side.

Create pompom for hat, using mostly rust with only some orange and a tiny bit of yellow. Thread the two ends from the pompom's tie, and insert needle into top of hat. Pull yarn through to WS. Weave the ends in on the WS, and securely fasten to the existing yellow end.

Wear hat.

How's it sit? Pretty cunning, don't ya think?


C.E.Kuhn said...

Love your cunning hat? Any idea on how to do this on a loom?

Anonymous said...

love your hat, awesome idea.
I'm a spinner as well as a knitter, jewelry maka and esthetician by day, super hero by night.To respond to your thing about how ravelry says that mirasol sulka is a 10-ply Aran weight.I teach spinning and this is something i eventually learned cause i had the same notions as you.When yarn is classified by weight, next to the weight it always say 1-ply or whatever but for some reason in the yarn industry when referring to the yarn itself after the spinning process is done the # of plies refers to its weight ie: DK,worsted,aran.So to me i think of 1 ply or 2 ply the same way you do.But the 10-ply aran just has to do with the "Weight", thickness or size of the yarn.Why do they do this.I have no idea.They probably got it from the person that decided to spell the word "theater" 3 different ways.or the whole "I" before "E" except after "C" rule...which doesnt even apply aLL the time, so what kind of rule is that?

Anonymous said...

I've been asked to make this hat by my daughter. Had problems getting the right shade of yarn locally so ended up using doubled up DK. Looking at you photos again I think the original may have been made with a doubled up yarn as the ends on the earflaps would give that 2 or 3 strand effect.

Anonymous said...

Just finished the hat!! wonderful and simple pattern! my only issue was that the needle size was a little big, I used regular wool from a wool shop around where I live, but it turned out pretty cool! the first hat I've ever knitted and since Firefly is so wonderfully awesome I decided that this was a must have! this pattern was really simple to follow!

Elaine said...

Thank you!!! I really did want to knit a Jayne hat, but none of the patterns that I saw were close enough in detail to satisfy my slightly OCD need for said hat to be a perfect likeness to that worn in the shows. So thank you for doing the heavy leg-work that I might have done (had I the large screen TV that you did).
*Possible errata?
After picking up your 15 stitches for the ear flaps--it then says to knit across the WS row---in doing so you will end up with orange purl-bumps that show on the RS or the work. Purling across the WS after picking up the 15 stitches solves this problem---and is more likely what you meant to say! ;)

Again---thank you---my Firefly loving sister will get a kick outta this gift.
All I need now is the appropriate packaging which I am sure our local craft store will have and it is ready to mail!

Keiyla Renee said...

Thank you for the suggestion of possible errat, but I'm afraid the purl bump row is intentional... if you look VERY closely at the pictures, there IS a prl bump row right after the ear flap joins the brim of the hat. Maybe it's not SUPPOSED to be there, in a perfectly-designed hat, but it does seem to be there, nevertheless, so I wrote the instructions to reflect what I saw. =)

Sandra Reinecke said...

Love, love, love your pattern! I'm making this for my uncle (who is a HUGE Firefly fan). After studying the pictures posted (and consulting my artistically inclined, color perfectionist husband) I used double worsted weight wool yarn - orange and yellow mix for the bottom stripe, two strands of yellow for the top, and a currant and mushroom color for the bottom and pom-pom. Thank you for the used of this WONDERFUL pattern!!!! You have made (at least) 3 people VERY happy!!!

LadyDreamgirl said...

You mention that you'd like to try knitting the cunning hat on 10.5s or 11s with 54 stitches, but lack the right sized needles for it. I've got both of those needle sizes, and was wondering if you had any advice for how to modify the pattern with this in mind (I've never modified a pattern before so the idea scares me a little). Thanks so much for providing a pattern that is obsessively screen accurate. I've done similarly detailed examinations of costumes for other projects, but I have no idea where to start for trying to create a screen accurate knitting pattern so it's a major relief to find someone else has already done so and is kind enough to share it.

Keiyla Renee said...

To modify the hat for 54 stitches with the 11's, you'd cast on 54 and work everything else as normal. The stitch counts in parenthesis will be off, but you can mentally subtract 6 and they should still work out. Since there are no decreases, there shouldn't be much else that needs modifying. Just make sure the gauge is correct- ideally I wanted a gauge of 2.5 st/in, which I wasn't able to achieve with the sizes I had, and I haven't been able to get back to this to try again.

You may wish to decrease the count on the ear flaps to 12 instead of 15, but again, the rest of the instructions for the ear flaps are not dependent on the original 15 count, so you should be able to finish per the pattern listed with the new count.

Be sure to let me know how it turns out! Also, thank you for the kind words about my pattern and obsessiveness! Modifying patterns may seem scary at first, but we make each project uniquely our own and one-of-a-kind by changing a little of this or a touch of that. I'm so thrilled you want to give my hat a go- thank you for checking it out!

Firefly in the sky said...

this hat is awesome x10. Thanks for the easy directions I made it in about 5 hours and now my poor hat has been on everyone else's head but mine!

Thanks again!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for your pattern! I really wanted to make this for my boyfriend's birthday (an obsessed Firefly fan) and searched through lots of websites and patterns looking for one that followed as true as possible to the real thing. Your attention to detail made your pattern the one I decided to take a stab at. Because I'm a first time knitter and have only made scarves, I even had my boss sit down and help me out with some of the knitting (during work hours!); in my opinion, it's only appropriate to have this hat made for you, not bought :) The final product turned out to be AMAZING, and it arrived on my boyfriend's doorstep the day before his birthday, packed in a cardboard box and complete with the shredded paper and note from Ma Cobb. Thank you so much! He's already wearing it nonstop... indoors :P

Unknown said...

I love this hat but i can not knit but i do crochet would you happen to have any directions for this hat the cunning jane cobb

Unknown said...

im looking for a crocheted directions to the cunning jane cobb hat could you help me out thanks

Anonymous said...

I love your rendition of the Jayne hat, and I'm really impressed with all of the research you did to duplicate it as closely as possible! Also, thanks for the link to crochetme's interview with 'the Joss' as you put it - very interesting! I was just re-watching this episode last night and it dawned on me that I believe you're right in saying it may be a better choice to use doubled up worsted, because it looks to me that each stripe is not made up of only one color but two - the earflaps red + orange, the first stripe orange + yellow, and the top stripe all yellow. At some angles it looks almost like the yellow section might even have a tiny bit of orange in it but if that's the case, I can't figure out how they get such a small amount of orange in with the yellow as opposed to the stripe that is more orange and less yellow. Unless it's done with a strand of worsted and a strand of sport or DK, with the main color being worsted and secondary color the DK (or maybe sport).

TacoMagic said...

I've been looking for patterns for the Cobb hat and I have to say that this is, by far, the closest reproduction out there.

High proops for getting it so right! All it needs is a little felting/wear and it would be the very picture of the Jayne hat!

Thanks so much for the pattern!

Gabi said...

Thanks for your pattern, the hat is finished and will be given to a friend of mine. I hope it is to his liking.

fedricsonya said...

I had believed the hat was just stretched, but assorted views, additional watching Jayne calmly put the hat on, makes me anticipate it's my zoom.

Kangol Hats

Anonymous said...

another anonymous thank you from across the interwebs.. i haven't watched Firefly, but my obsessed best friend just asked me for this hat, and i am SO glad to find such an obsessive (in the best way possible) pattern, otherwise i would have made myself ill trying to make it just right. and now i know to send it in a cardboard box, so.. THANKS!!

KnittedMoomin said...

Thank you so much for spending so much time making the pattern for this hat. I don't appear to be able to get brand of wool you specify in the UK :( Was wondering if you thought any bulky yarn would yield the right results?

Kimara said...

Thanks so much for sharing your pattern for this cunning hat. I'll be posting a link to your pattern on our blog :)

Keiyla Renee said...

Any bulky should work, or even two strands of worsted held together. I've seen great results from "1 ply" non-stranded bulky, and from a 4 or 5 ply bulky as well as a two-stranded worsted (dk in the UK).

Good luck, and thanks for the shares!

KnittedMoomin said...

I ended up using cascade 220 doubled up and the hat has turned out really well. Thank you for the very detailed pattern, it's fantastic!

Sharon said...

I've been searching for an authentic looking cunning hat. But all the one's I've found look nothing like they should. Yours is amazing!!! Do you sell your hats?

Anonymous said...

You did an amazing job researching this hat, Keila, and I really admire your attention to detail and dedication to duplicating it so thoroughly! Thank you for taking the time to share your hard work!
Heather from Sioux Falls

Anonymous said...

Just made your "cunning" and wonderful Jayne hat pattern. My daughters love it. I'm not sure how to get the picture in this comment, sigh...

mdkyzar said...

I love the attention to detail on the pattern design. I'm going to use this as a starting point since I also tend toward OCD when trying to replicate something like this, but don't want to test my zoom on my HDTV!! :) But I do have a comment on why I think none of the completed hats truly look the same as the original. The hat isn't one color. If you look you will see flecks of yellow gold in the orange and a blend of yellows in the yellow and the red looks like a heather yarn. I don't know if this was a multitonal yarn in a bulky weight to start or if it was multi-strand, but my theory is if you use 3 strands - 2 of the main color and one of the contrast in the yellow and orange sections and then 3 strands of the right color red in a heather yarn you might get a better replica. This also would explain why there are three strands hanging down on the completed hat - simply tying off the three strands you work with. I am currently searching out the right colors and testing to see if I can get the right color tones and blended look and then I thought I'd try it out on your pattern - using a 10.5 or 11 needle.

Knowledge said...

Thanks for the informative writing. Would mind updating some good tips about it. I still wait your next place. ;)

Anonymous said...

Wonderful post. I've made a few of these, but I usually compromise between a normal hat (albeit in weird colors) and something close to what I see on the screen, so I've always done decreases at the top but no ribbing on the brim.

I usually use Brown Sheep Co. (they make Lamb's Pride, too) burly spun in Lemon Drop, Orange You Glad, and Prairie Fire. The yellow and orange are pretty spot on, and Prairie Fire has just enough of that dusky edge to match pretty well.

LisaT said...

Thanks Keiyla and all others for this wonderful hat. There will be one for my husband this year. I'll try to find the Lambs Pride Burly spun for it if I can. Funny thing is, neither of us knew about the show when it was live, but a co-worker of his loaned us the DVDs some time later, and now we're both huge fans. (Also fans of everything else Joss has done - the man's a genius, isn't he?) Have been for years. Next project after Jayne's hat will be Wash's sweater, though I think I'll do it in brown.

Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful looking hat - one of the best Jayne hats I've seen!!! Can't wait to try your pattern

Anonymous said...

This replica is just what I've been looking for! However, I doubt I could whip one of these up in time for Christmas. Especially since I haven't knitted anything since I was a wee kid. Would you ever consider selling one of these hats?

Aoibhe Ni said...

I am...wildly... impressed with the amount of effort you put into getting this hat accurate.

Thank you for doing this! It's always bothered me how "professional" all the other patterns seem to make Jayne's hat look. It takes real skill to ensure the flaws are added, too.

Wendy said...

Your OCD and taking the time to make this makes me very gorram happy indeed :-D

Anonymous said...

Quick question, at the...well I call them draw strings, on the ear flaps, you say that there are a whole of three strands together, so you add two. It looks to me in the original photos though that it was one, three inch length of yarn, with each ply separated. Does anyone else see it that way too? Sorry I'm also being severely OCD with this too lol

Anonymous said...

I thought I was in for a fair slog to deconstruct this hat myself, but find you've done most of the anal-retentive work for me. Thanks!

I've just started swatching, though, and think the cast-on should be the simple e-loop or thumb cast-on. This would suit Ma's generally unsophisticated knitting skills, and the uneven way this edge knits up seems to jive with your photos.

My own OCD begs me to handspin the yarn, but the recipient would not remember to hand wash it, so I am using two strands of Vanna's Choice acrylic from Michaels with 6 mm needles. I wish I had some larger dpns for this but knitting loosely will add some roughness to the smooth texture of the manufactured yarn.

Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

I just finished it! It looks AWESOME! Thank you so much for creating this pattern, you did an absolutely incredible job. The level of detail you put in is phenomenal. You are my new knitting hero! Thanks again!

KT said...

Your blog post is a bit old, and I hope you are still looking at it. My son LOVES Firefly. (And Doctor Who, but that's another story). He really wants a Jayne's hat (a Cunning Hat), but will not abide itchiness. Do you have any suggestions about non-itchy yarns that won't bother sensitive ears?? Should I just make it, and them make a jersey beanie and sew it inside?? I'm thinking that he's not going to get it this Christmas!! O.O

Keiyla Renee said...

I do still read the comments from time to time- and thank you for the lovely responses! It tickles me to no end to know you guys share my geekiness :)

To answer a few questions:

No, I don't make them to sell. Sorry, but I just don't have time. Which is why the pattern is posted for free :)

No, I don't have a crochet pattern. Ma Cobb knitted it, and my attempts are to try to recreate what she had done.

No, I don't have any other sizes avaialble. Again, in trying to recrate what Ma Cobb did, it just didn't allow for other sizes. However, you can change the size yourself by checking your gauge and the estimated finished size, then altering the stitch count by how much bigger or smaller you need it to be. Just try to keep an even number of stitches and you should be fine.

For a softer hat, you can try all kinds of softer yarns! Specialty yarn shops have silk/bamboo blends of yarns that are incredibly soft, for example. Some acrylics, like "Simply Soft" may work just as well for you. If they don't have the colors you like, you can always "dye" bright yarns into a more muted shade by soaking the skeins in tea!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this hat pattern! I too have made multiple hats using different patterns and this is the only one I'm trusting. You've truly impressed me with your research. That said I'm working on the yellow and I realized that you don't have an approximate measurement for how tall the yellow portion is. My gauge was too tight for the orange so I had to add a few rows to get to the 2.5 inches, so how long is the yellow before you pull it together? Thank you!!

Keiyla Renee said...

The height of the yellow is somewhat malleable... it should measure around 8.3 inches in front and back, and 9 inches on the sides, from the starting row. It looks to me like the yellow height is just about 2x the height of the orange, so that's what I was aiming for, anyway :)

Anonymous said...

My son is very happy with his hat. Thanks so very much for all your hard work, Keiyla!


Anonymous said...

Keiyla, what a fantastic pattern. My nephew asked for a Jayne hat, I have been looking all morning and finally found yours. I to noted that the row height was different above the earflaps and was stoked to find a pattern that duplicates that. I will be posting it on Ravelry and would like to link to your pattern if that is okay. Thanks for the dedication in making an authentic copy of the original.

Unknown said...

My husband requested I make this for him, and I came across your blog. Thanks so much for sharing all of your hard work so that the rest of have it easy! I started and finished the hat yesterday, & he loves it!

Panda said...

I tried to start this hat and the 6 sts are SO tiny... I mean, way tiny. The hat wouldn't have even fit my 5 year old niece. I am unsure how 60 sts are enough to make this fit an adult and I am pretty sure I've done it right (same type of yarn and same sized circular needles). Any idea why it works up so tiny?

Dawn said...

Keiyla! I hope you don't mind but I shared your blog on my blog ;). I recently made some hats for some rather large headed men and needed the detail you outlined for the ear flaps... thank. you. :D Here's the post if you want to have a look see. Thanks again miss!

Sue said...

How awesome of you to share all your hard work! It was fun reading your comments - excellent job recreating the hat. I made one for a friend, who loves it. Many thanks :)
Sue - Hobbesmom on Ravelry

Anonymous said...

Just finishing this hat now, and the details make all the difference! Thanks for all of them. To get the dual color without overdoing it, I separated lengths of the worsted yarn, and added single threads of orange to the two yellow strands, and a single yellow thread to the two orange ones in the hat. It has turned out really well. I had to spend some extra time tucking in the loose ends with a very small crochet hook, but it was worth it. Thank you!!!

Brianne said...

Thank you so much! I just completed this hat and despite the user error (I convinced myself I screwed up on the earflaps but I had it right) it turned out lovely.

Kathleen said...

I commend your incredible attention to detail and authenticity. Awesome :) Thank you!

Kathleen said...

Me again, this time with a question. :) I've made the hat part (looking awesome!) but I'm puzzled at how to pick up stitches for the ear flaps, per your instructions. I've actually never picked up stitches before. I searched a youtube video that details how to do it in stockinette, garter, and bind offs, but the Twisted German cast on (plus the ribbing above it) is confusing me a bit. :( Can you help, or point me to some resources? I (and my friend who this is for) would be so grateful! :)

Unknown said...

Love your hat pattern! Started working on it but messed up somehow when I flipped the hat inside out to knit over what I had started knitting (row 2-3)? I somehow wound up with a hole. Any ideas what I did wrong? HELP!!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome pattern! Just finished one, my Ravelry name is lethargic, if you want to look at it. I so appreciate your detailed analysis -- this is the best-looking Jayne hat I have seen. Thank you!

UtahRoadbase said...

It's been so long, I'm just hoping you're still monitoring these comments. Mine is about sizing.

From what I can tell, this pattern is for a hat the ends up being 21" in circumference. Is this a good, standard size? It seems a little small to me. I'm a woman with an average-sized head and it's almost 23" in circumference. My question is whether I should try to make the hat fit without stretching it or if I should allow it to stretch the extra two inches. I'm leaning towards making the hat bigger (so it will not stretch too much).

Also, to confirm, normally, I would CO 60 stitches but because I want to add 2 inches to the circumference for a total of 23", I would add 8 stitches (4 stitches x 2 inches). Is that correct? If so, what would you suggest for a 24" hat?

The only thing that could complicate it more is that I'm going to try to use the 11 needles so.... I might have to get my pen and paper and do some math!!

Thanks for the most authentic and OCD pattern I've found. I'm so excited to make one of these. Hope to hear from you!

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Anonymous said...

I am duly stunned and flipped by your cunning shiny-ness. Can't wait to knit this thing badly! -toastalope

The Old Wolf said...

I was led to your blog by a crafter over at DeviantArt who largely followed your pattern. I've spent hour studying Jayne's hat and I'm pretty convinced there were at least two hats used during the filming, based on the length of the tassels seen in various pictures. The difference in the width of the ribbing also appears to be a function of how Jayne pulled the hat down over his ears.

I'm going to give this a go and see how it comes out; thanks so much for posting your journey and the finalized pattern!

Stacey said...

Not sure if you still read comments here but I just finished your pattern and it is superb ;) perfect!!!!! I took your suggestions and did it on a 10.5 x 24 and used two worsted weight strands.! I'm on instagram as sswillard if you want to find me and see it! I tagged #jayne #firefly #jaynescunninghat

Unknown said...

How did your test with 3 strands on size 11 work out? I am getting ready to make this hat and I want to get it as close as possible! ;)

Unknown said...

THANK YOU!! My husband has been asking for a Jayne Cobb hat and I have been searching for one that really looked like the hat, not some simplified version. This knit up super quick and he LOVES it... especially how it reacts the same way Jayne's hat does in the series (upturned ear flaps, slightly floppy pom, etc). VERY WELL DONE!!!!

Unknown said...

I have this hat almost done! Making this for my geeky husband for Christmas...he is so excited! Do you have any guesses on how big the pom pom is?

Andrea said...

My nerd daughter asked me to make the Firefly hat, your OCD pattern is the best one!! She did confirm that she wanted it to be not quite as badly knitted as Ma Cobb's. :) I used some of my precious orange Pastaza, but it looks like Jayne's orange is variegated and I wonder if my Malabrigo Chunky Glazed Carrot might have been a better choice. Thanks for creating this; I guess now we need to watch the show.
Take a look on Rav in a day or two--hope you like mine.

Artisna said...

Thanks for sharing your experience in this blog. Hand knitted hat patterns look so cool and babies love it too.

Anonymous said...

I've just crocheted Jayne's hat (since I've only knitted twice and don't remember how), but I continually referred back to your collection of screenshots, instructions regarding the pompom and tassels, etc! It turned out so "shiny" XD I love it! Thanks for your amazing work on this!

moonlight said...

Nice blog.
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Briarose said...

One of my commuter train friends who's seen me knitting many times asked me today if I've heard of a show called Firelfy (my response, of course, was "oh, honey" as the hubby and I started watching it for the umpteenth time a week ago). He went on to ask how much to make him a Jayne hat. He'll be getting one for Christmas, of course, and I totally appreciate that you handled the OCD unravelling for me years ago. Link to the Joss interview doesn't work anymore, but I found it here:

Anonymous said...

Came out adorable, thank you for the pattern.

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Of course, winter is here.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for taking the time to make such a precise pattern for Jayne's hat!

3A-MOTO said...

I just finished it! It looks AWESOME! Thank you so much for creating this pattern, you did an absolutely incredible job. The level of detail you put in is phenomenal. You are my new knitting hero! Thanks again! lets see y online store

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